I do much better emotionally and physically during the good weather. I'm an outdoor type of guy..many people say they "love the outdoors" and yet don't see the outdoors any longer than it takes them to get from the car to the shopping mall and back again.
I get a bit dormant during the cold weather, and yeah it's been cold here in the Northeast as well..the next 2 months are the worst. March starts to get mild, April can be fairly nice and by May it's T shirt weather again. During the good weather, my favorite things to do are scuba diving, even up here in the Northeast there's some good diving...a close second is riding my mountain bike, then there's camping, rafting, and the occasional weekend trip to a local dude ranch in upstate NY.
During this weather? Pretty much what I'm doing now, surfing the internet posting on forums, and more recently enjoying the newcomers to my board who are writing some great posts!