Karma: 9
Posts: 1950
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2009, 03:17:02 pm » |
* This is a special presentation of wizer's troll school *
I'm bumping this thread to share with you something that came about as a result of circumstances on another board. A member who was involved in the exchange asked me for some advice, and I provided it as best as I can. I realize that this information is useful to others, so I share the content of my pms, with certain details modified as necessary to protect the privacy of those involved.
The question involved trolling (of course) and "pwning"...
When someone gets a reaction out of you, they have "pwned you". It's that simple.
Whether they hit you with something you said or did 5 minutes before, or 7 years ago, it makes no difference. It's ammo, it's bait, and it can be used against you, if you let it.
And if they have nothing on you, they'll make **** up.
I've made my personal info readily available over at [that other board]..probably a mistake but so far it hasn't caused me any problems, and if it escalated offline, then I would simply leave [that board] and it would die down. But as it is, even though I am constantly provoking those losers, no one has bothered me offline.
So my PI is available, and that's what they try to use..and it's really obvious if you think about it
-I'm hairy -my mother died when I was a kid so I'm a mental case -my kids hate me because I am a loser -I'm going to lose everything to my wife -I'm a shitty eye doctor and they are going to report my actions on [that other forum] to the "board" [of eye doctors]
It's laughable...it's the same **** over and over again..and between you and me..I LIKE to go there and have them talk about me because I DO have a narcisstic ego and talking about my divorce and getting it out seems to help..but that's not even the point. The point is if someone has "something" on you, and they want to try and "pwn" you, they will use whatever they can. And if that doesn't work they'll make **** up about you so that you will respond and defend yourself against it.
Sometimes someone posts something and it does get an internal reaction out of me..not often, and most of them are too stupid to know what it takes, but once in a while someone gets a good shot in..and I usually think..ok they got me that time, and I try to respond cooly but sometimes I get worked up and I post and I don't even realize that it shows until afterwards. And they're all over it like **** on a stick, and oftentimes others see the "exploited weakness" and gang up..that's affectionately known as "**** piling".
There's your troll lesson for the day..lol
Karma: 9
Posts: 1950
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2009, 03:19:37 pm » |
The member responded with: Thats what gets me. It's an ounce of truth... and gallons of lies. I WANT to defend myself. To point out how **** up they are... That's what makes me pwnd huh? But what does it say when I say nothing? Do people believe this ****?
My response:
I know exactly how you feel.
When you say nothing, some will believe it because they are stupid enough to believe everything they read. I don't like Trollvalhalla, I constantly disparage the place, and right next to my name is "Global Moderator". I did attempt to post about how it's not my choice, and how I hate the place, and once in a while I'll say something when it's brought up, but notice what it says underneath.."Don't believe everything you read". I can't change the label of Global Moderator, but I added that bit. If members want to assume I'm a Global Moderator than it's their choice. They're the fools, not me.
Some will believe whatever they read.... whether it's something as silly as me being a Global Mod or you getting a sexually transmitted disease almost a decade ago. And if you try to dispute it? They won't believe you anyway! In fact they will think you are lying to cover it up!
So yeah, you take the high road and you ignore it...because it really doesn't matter what a bunch of losers on the internet really think...you'll probably never meet them, and if you do? You will meet your friends..who didn't believe it in the first place.
Speaking for myself..when I read that post, I didn't think of anything else other than "that's a lame troll attempt". Nothing more. And that's what the smart (or at least the experienced) forum members do too..once in a while they will post that too.."nothing said on these boards is the truth" LOL
Those who want to believe it do so at their own peril. Laugh at them. It's what I do...(most of the time).